
August 17th, 2024

Version alpha.9


  • Omnibox is now a bit lower with suggested searches off
  • Better scraping for macrotrends, wikipedia, amazon, coinmarketcap, coingecko, other sites..
  • Updates to card layout calculation algorithm
  • When you make a search, the title in history will now be your query, instead of just "uncovr"
  • Fixed issue with PDFs causing completely broken generation
  • Fixed issue with page crash when >3 images found
  • Added some more retrying to scraping when pages - might increase reliability?
  • Scraping + search now have multiple fallback regions
  • Added some more examples to the homepage, also removed some old ones

New Features

  • Citations are now here!
  • Adjusted per source ratios, and link ranking algorithm - this should result in more accurate responses!

Thanks for using uncovr! We hit the 100 signed up users mark! 🎉

August 14th, 2024

Version alpha.8


  • Fixed text selection color bug across the site
  • Codeblocks now have a max height, and can scroll.
  • Native share menu doesn't popup on Windows 10/11 anymore.
  • More layout bugs fixed, regarding some card spacing.

New Features Dark mode!

More backup regions for search results.

  • We're working on a more comprehensive re-do of the search system, but this is good enough for now.
  • Finally - the homepage red banner is gone, for now...

August 8th, 2024

Version alpha.7


  • Fixed broken mobile padding on responses, Archive and Settings
  • You should now stay logged in for 7 days. Still investigating the root cause of the log-out issue though...

New Features

  • This changelog is now live!
  • Inline images are now much faster, as links and image processing is run in parallel.
  • Suggested searches are now shown on the homepage. If you wish, you can turn them off in settings (with an account).
  • Privacy policy moved to /privacy-policy, and updated to include better clarity about AI data usage.
  • The privacy policy + changelog are both now on the homepage footer.

Search System Improvements We ran some in-house mini evaluations on the search system, and then improved it based on that. Search queries should now be smarter, work better with operators and date ranges such as after:2024-01-01.

We're also still working on completely stopping the model from adding unrelated graphs to random queries, however the issue should be even less common now.

Thanks for using uncovr! Share with your friends, or on socials! 💖

Also, follow our X account @_uncovrapp!

August 7th, 2024

Version alpha.6

One of the biggest updates yet! Fixes

  • Fixed more mobile padding issues
  • Google OAuth now works! Go make an account!
  • Better navbar (internally) for mobile
  • More response layout fixes

New Features & Improvements

  • Account settings page is now live! (personally: the image mode switcher looks beautiful)
  • Added a sidebar button to our X (twitter) account.
  • Added some text about accounts when signed out, and improved the navbar layout a bit.
  • More reliable generation (lower failure rate)
  • Gemini 1.5 Flash is now the "processing" model in the search system.
  • When available, the native share sheet will open when you click share

Big Features Images! You can now have images in your response.

  • You'll need an account to enable this in Settings.
  • Right now, only inline mode works. However, sidebar images will also come very soon
  • However, inline mode does still look quite beautiful. Test this out and report any issues!

New UI element at the top of search result pages!

  • It shows what's happening behind the scenes - what was searched, and what's going on.
  • Also, it's beautiful to look at!

Coming Soon

  • Temperature slider, model picker, search region
  • Changelog and FAQ on the website
  • Weather, (bringing back) YouTube
  • File uploads

Known Issues

  • Jumpy scrolling in generation
  • Being logged out very fast - after 1/2mins
  • Web searches in multiple countries may look the same
  • Sometimes images fail to load
  • Copy markdown w/images has some xml components
  • Codeblock layout issues
  • Archive still only shows 25 items
  • Images might get weirdly squished on mobile sometimes
  • Archive, settings has broken mobile padding
  • Maybe: hydration issues. Looking into it

Thanks for using uncovr! More things coming soon! 💖

August 5th, 2024

Version alpha.5


  • Some bugfixes, padding issues

New Features & Improvements

  • You can now copy the result's content to your clipboard
  • Internal refactoring of the search system, which should result in slightly faster/more reliable responses

August 1st, 2024

Version alpha.4

New Features & Improvements Accounts are here!

  • Powered by WorkOS Authkit
  • The login screen will be made custom later, but it works great for now
  • Google OAuth is also coming soon...

Based on accounts, these features are now available:

  • Archive! (and well, server-saved search history)
  • Deleting threads! More “thread management” features are to come, but here's the first!

Model is now much less likely to put a graph into random queries

  • Previously, it was common that the end model would hallucinate a graph into unrelated queries.
  • This has now been mostly fixed through some major reworking of the search system!

Calculations! These render in often much before the final model response. Simple, but the newer search architecture has allowed for this. Also soon to come: weather?

Sharing threads! Available to anyone with an account!

Android PWA enhancements

  • Through some PWA magic, I was able to make the share sheet experience work, even without a native app or anything.
  • Quite fun and useful for quick summaries/etc

And that's all (well plus like 50 bug fixes)! Everything you've just seen is now live, with more to come! 💜

July 30th, 2024

Version alpha.3


  • Fixed mobile layout sometimes having hard to read 2-column layout
  • Removed excess <span /> from the DOM
  • Fixed iOS PWA bottombar height
  • Other optimisations (removed some unused CSS from the bundle)

New Features & Improvements

  • You can now set uncovr as your default search engine! Use this link to set it up:

July 29th, 2024

Version alpha.2


  • 100 link browser hang issue (web results now show max 25 links)
  • Removed random markdown codeblocks during generation
  • Multiple layout fixes in search results
  • Fixed React hydration issues
  • Partial attempt at fixing search result HTML sanitization
  • Discord invite link on site now actually works

New Features & Improvements

  • Sidebar! With 5 history items for now - server side full history coming later
  • Mobile PWA, better mobile UI, OG images, more metadata things
  • Removed a bunch of random syntax highlighting languages (If you would like a specific language that is missing, let me know!)
  • JS bundle is now smaller (faster app!)

Known Issues

  • You may still randomly get graphs on queries where it makes no sense.
  • Bad looking iOS PWA icon

Feel free to share uncovr to anyone interested, or on socials (now that it looks nicer too 💜)

July 28th, 2024

Version alpha.1


  • Adblockers now don't crash the site
  • Fixed some layout issues with 2-column card components in responses
  • Partial attempt to stop the search system from adding graphs to unrelated queries
  • Fixed layout problems with markdown codeblocks

New Features & Improvements

  • Added syntax highlighting to markdown codeblocks

Known Issues

  • Removed youtube embeds for now, since they need some redoing
  • Half-markdown codeblocks might randomly appear during generation?
  • If there happens to be 170 links in your query, this might end up breaking your whole browser's rendering engine

July 28th, 2024

Initial release

The first release of uncovr! Search just about worked, with not-that-many features...
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